To begin this project I went through the fonts in illistrator to see which ones appealed to my eye. The fonts I eneded up chooseing where bernard MT Condensed, Curlz, Myriad Pro and Rockwell. I used these fonts because I liked how they had a certain uniqueness to them. I enjoyed to smooth curves and fun shapes each letter made. I didn't have a true explination to the letters I choose, I just used whatever looked good. The shapes that where contained within the fonts did't see to have anything unique about them so in order to make a something out of the letters I used the "direct select" tool to drag the letters into a form. In the Bottom right corner that shape was actually the counter form of the "i" that is used at the top under the "f". I thought it made a interesting visual to the overall piece.
In order to stick with the rule of thirds in this design I tried to use all of the elements of design. First your eye starts at the focal point, which is a counter form of a lower case "h" in the Myraid Pro font. Then your eye goes to the counter for of what use to be a lower case "i", which was also in the Myraid Pro font. After that your eye leads you to the top where you see a capital "F" and a lower case "i". Within this process I wanted to use contrast by changing the oppaccity of a few of the letters.
Overall I think the piece is unique and fun. With the different shapes and the differences between the greys the image speaks for itself.
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