This is an example of post modernism. Which its more "messy" looking and not as well put together but in some sense it does work and makes sense. It has a good sense of emphasis and balance.
This is an image representing the International Typographic style. Which was during 1950 to 1970 in the Swiss school of design. As you can see from the image, this style was harsh and more rebelious looking then that other styles. The angles where sharp and the design was very simple and get to the point.
This is an example of Art deco(1920 to 1930). This image as you can see is more put together and has a more softer look to it. With the curved lines and the more mordern look to it give it a sense of balance and good flow.
This is a few images that represent construtivism, this was present during 1913 to the 1920's. These images show a great deal of angles and almost a childish scrapbooking kind of feel. With the shape angles you create emphasis and flow.
This is an image representing the Bauhaus movement, which was aroung the 1920's. This poster shows movement, flow and works the the element of alignment as well.
This is an example of Art Nouveau. Which was created and used during the late 19th century and early 20th century. In this example we see a good use of focal point,emphasis and flow being created by the woman's position.